DECICE: Cloud-Management mithilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz
Die Forschung Burgenland ist einer von 13 Partnern des europaweiten Verbundprojektes DECICE und forscht an neuen Lösungen für die Verwaltung von Cloud-Anwendungen. Die Clou
Collecting Use Case Requirements for Infrastructure Provisioning in the DECICE EU-Funded Project
DECICE organised a Use Case Requirements Workshop on the 20th April 2023. The goal of this event was to collect valuable insights from stakeholders to better understand the require
Huawei’s Role in the DECICE Project: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Cloud and Edge Computing
Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, has recently announced its participation in the DECICE projec
Let’s meet the brains behind the DECICE data-driven AI digital twin
Almost 1000 years old, the University of Bologna (UNIBO) is known as the oldest University in the western world. Nowadays, UNIBO is one of the most important institutions of higher
From IXP to federated service composition points – The TOP-IX vision to support the European Cloud Sovereignty
The TOP-IX vision to support the European Cloud Sovereignty. The pervasive and exponential diffusion of cloud-based services, the high market concentration and the lack of European
GWDG fulfills the function of a computing and IT competence center
The Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) is a joint institution of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen – Foundation under Public L
Use Case 1: Enhancing Autonomous Driving with Device-Edge-Cloud Intelligent Collaboration Framework
Various use cases in a connected and autonomous driving environment require collaboration with the traffic infrastructure, providing an autonomous vehicle with more sense of awaren
Open Edge and HPC Initiative powering DECICE to success
Open Edge and HPC Initiative (OEHI) is a non-profit association registered with the Dutch chamber of commerce with the vision to foster the development of an open and feature-rich
DECICE Kick-off Meeting – November 7th, 2022
The DECICE kick-off meeting has successfully taken place in a virtual setting on the 7th of November 2022. During the meeting, the partners introduced themselves, their expertise a