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Upcoming Events

From Connected to Autonomous Cars: Intelligent Transportation Systems Workshop (MarUn/BIG TRI annual WS)

Date: TBA | Organised by: MarUn / BIG TRI Location: Turkey (Istanbul)

2nd From Connected to Autonomous Cars: Intelligent Transportation Systems Workshop” (MarUn/BIG TRI annual WS)

Date: TBA | Organised by: MarUn / BIG TRI Location: Turkey (Istanbul)

SC24 (Supercomputing Conference) Workshops

Date: TBA | Organised by: TBA | Location: TBA

Past Events

CARO workshop at HiPEAC25 conference

Date: 20.-21.01.2025 | Organised by: DECICE / ACES projects Location: Spain (Barcelona)

Exploring the Computing Continuum with DECICE and Fluidos

Date: 27.09.2024 | Organised by: DECICE and Fluidos projectLocation: online

19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024)

Date: 08.–11.09.2024 | Organised by: University of Belgrade Faculty of Organisational Science; Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne; iBS PAN; Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, IEEE Comupter Society – Poland Section Chapter Location: Serbia (Belgrade)

Teratec Forum 2024

Date: 29.–30.05.2024 | Organised by: Teratec, Infopro Digital | Location: France (Paris)

WAICF - World AI Cannes Festival 2024

Date: 08.–10.02.2024 | Organised by: EuropIA institute; City of Cannes; Palais des Festivals et des Congrès | Location: France (Cannes)


Date: 03.02.2024 | Organised by: Forschung Burgenland | Location: Austria (Eisenstadt)


Date: 17.–19.01.2024 | Organised by: High Performance, Edge And Cloud computing – HiPEAC project | Location: Germany (Munich)

Cognitive Cloud Continuum Ecosystems: Theory and Practice

Date: 03.–06.01.2024 | Organised by: ASSIST-IoT and aerOS projects

 | Location: Hawaii (Honolulo)

EuroHPC User Day

Date: 11.12.2023 | Organised by: The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) | Location: Belgium (Brussels)

23rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA’23)

Date: 11.–13.12.2023 | Organised by: ISDA 2023 | Location: Switzerland (Olten), Portugal (Porto), Lithuania (Vilnius), India (Kochi) 

Digital Platforms for the Cloud-Edge-IoT, Innovation through Open Source and Software

Date: 04.12.2023 | Organised by: EU CLoud Edge | Location:  Belgium (Brussels) | online

Digital Twins: Solving Pain Points for Connectivity and Accelerating Profitability

Date: 16.11.2023 | Organised by: Sand Technologies Location: online

the Next Generation Internet Forum

Date: 16.11.2023 | Organised by: Sand Technologies | Location: online

Giving Energy an Edge - Showcasing the Edge to Cloud Continuum in Energy

Date: 10.11.2023 | Organised by: EU CLoud Edge | Location: Online

SC23 (Supercomputing Conference) Workshops

Date: 12.–13.11.2023 | Organised by: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis | Location: USA (Denver)

Consortium Meeting

Date: 06.–08.11.2023 | Organised by: SYNYO | Location: Austria (Vienna)

EBDVF 2023 – European BigData Value Forum

Date: 25-27.10.2023 | Organised by: BDV Big Data Value Association
 | Location: Spain (Valencia)

eSAAM 2023 on Cloud-to-Edge Continuum

Date: 17.10.2023 | Organised by: ECLIPSE Foundation | Location: Germany (Ludwigsburg )


Date: 05.–06.10.2023 | Organised by: Open Nebula | Location: Belgium (Brussels)

EuroHPC JU Information Day for AI on Supercomputers

Date: 26.09.2023 | Organised by: The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) | Location: Online


Date: 26.–27.09.2023 | Organised by: TechEx | Location: Netherlands (Amsterdam)

The 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomic System Operations in the Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum (MLSysOps 2023)

Date: 25.09.2023 | Organised by: EWSN 2023 Conference; University of Calabria | Location: Italy (Rende)

Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts

Date: 25.09.2023 | Organised by: EU Cloud Edge | Location: online

Capitalising on Cloud-Edge-IoT: Building your next product, finding your next market opportunity

Date: 20.09.2023 | Organised by: EU Cloud Edge | Location: online

IEEE COINS 2023: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems

Date: 23.–25.07.2023 | Organised by: IEEE Location: Germany (Berlin)

Use Case Requirements Workshop #2

Date: 13.07.2023 | Organised by: TOP-IX | Location: online

Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights an Use Cases

Date: 10.07.2023 | Organised by: UNLOCK-CEI and more | Location: online


Date: 05.07.2023 | Organised by: DECICE (OEHI) | Location: online

ETSI IoT Conference 2023 (ETSI IoT Week 2023)

Date: 04.–06.07.2023 | Organised by: ETSI | Location: France (Sophia Antipolis)


Date: 26.–28.06.2023 | Organised by: Association for Computing Machinery; sighpc; cscs | Location: Switzerland (Davos)


Date: 13.–15.06.2023 | Organised by: BDVA and EUHubs4Data, hosted by/collaboration with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) | Location: Sweden (Luleå)

TREXworkshop "Code Tuning for the Exascale"

Date: 05.–07.06.2023 | Organised by: TREX Project | Location: Slovakia (Bratislava)

INFN Workshop sul Calcolo

Date: 22.–26.05.2023 | Organised by: Indico Location: Italy (Savona)

HPC-IODC: HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop

Date: 25.05.2023 | Organised by: ISC HPC | Location: Germany (Hamburg)ISC-HPC

Computing Continuum and the Role of AI as a complementary technology: European market forecast and Insights

Date: 24.05.2023 | Organised by:  | Location: Online

ISC HPC 2023

Date: 21.–25.05.2023 | Organised by: ISC HPC | Location: Germany (Hamburg)

Global IoT Summit 2023

Date: 19.–20.05.2023 | Organised by: Springer; Lecture Notes in Computer Science | Location: Germany (Berlin)

Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum (EC Cluster 4)

Date: 10.– | Organised by: EU Cloud Edge | Location: Belgium (Brussels)

The European Identity and Cloud Conference

Date: 09.–13.05.2023 | Organised by: HaDEA | Location: Germany (Berlin)

CF2023 (Computing Fontiers)

Date: 09.–11.05.2023 | Organised by: CF (UNIBO) | Location: Italy (Bologna)

Use Case Requirements Workshop

Date: 20.04.2023 | Organised by: TOP-IX | Location: online

KubeCon 2023

Date: 18.–21.04.2023 | Organised by: KubeCon; CloudNativCon | Location: Netherlands (Amsterdam)

HPCAI Advisory Council

Date: 03.–06.04.2023 | Organised by: HPC Advisory Council | Location: Swiss (Lugano)

Kick Off Meeting

Date: 28.–29.03.2023 | Organised by: GWDG | Location: Germany (Göttingen)

KISSKI Symposium

Date: 21.–23.03.2023 | Organised by: GWDG | Location: Germany (Göttingen)

EuroHPC Summit 2023

Date: 20.–23.03.2023 | Organised by: EuroHPC | Location: Sweden (Goethenburg)

WAICF - World AI Cannes Festival 2023

Date: 09.–11.02.2023 | Organised by: EuropIA institute; City of Cannes; Palais des Festivals et des Congrès | Location: France (Cannes)

Horizon Europe Info Day

Date: 30.01.2023 | Organised by: European Commission; EU IoT; EUCloudEdgeIoT Location: online

Secure Data Processing

Date: 16.01.2023 | Organised by: GWDG | Location: Germany

Kick Off Meeting

Date: 17.11.2022 | Organised by: GWDG | Location: online

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