DECICE General Assembly Meeting 27.-28.03.2024
Intersection areas pose significant challenges for autonomous and conventional vehicles, particularly due to Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) being obscured by environmental elements like buildings and large vehicles [1]. Significance of the VRU-involved accidents necessitate the integration of specialized detection systems for intersections [2, 3]. Marmara University – VeNIT Lab addresses this critical need by providing a comprehensive infrastructure consisting of multiple intersection areas within the DECICE project. This infrastructure is key to the ‘Smart Intersection with VRU Detection’ use case, enabling real-time responses and alerts to enhance safety. In collaboration with BigTRI, Marmara University leverages C-ITS applications to alert road users effectively, thereby mitigating accident risks.
The first day kicked off with comprehensive reports from the various work package groups. Each team outlined their recent accomplishments, highlighted completed deliverables, and outlined forthcoming objectives for the year ahead. This status review allowed partners to gain a holistic understanding of the project’s current state and identify any potential bottlenecks that will require our attention in the upcoming month.
The second day commenced with a retrospective session, fostering an open dialogue on refining collaborative processes and tooling across the consortium. Through engaged brainstorming, partners devised strategies to streamline joint efforts and optimize the collective working environment. This was followed by a hackathon, enabling partners to synchronize code repositories and consolidate documentation within our centralized knowledge hub.
Pivoting to technical demonstrations, we showcased the project’s evolving development ecosystem. Participants gained insights into establishing robust CI/CD pipelines, a vital component for efficient software delivery. Live walkthroughs illustrated the setup process, underscoring the consortium’s commitment to adopting industry-leading practices.
As the DECICE project progresses, these biannual gatherings will continue to play a crucial role in maintaining alignment, fostering innovation, and driving the project towards its overarching goals.
Author: Mirac Aydin
AGENDA: Download NOW
SYNYO: https://www.synyo.com/
UNIBO: https://www.unibo.it/en
MARUN: https://www.marmara.edu.tr/
BIGTRI: https://www.bigtri.net/
NAG: https://nag.com/
Consortium | Event | Meeting | DECICE | Container | Kubernetes | KubeEdge | Hackathon | DECICE API | Digital Twin | AI models